How to Prepare For Your First Driving Lesson

If you've decided to take up driving lessons with driving instructors in Edinburgh, then perhaps you're about to start your first lesson. Learning to drive for the first time can be daunting, but it needn't be. There's just a few things you can do to make you feel a little less like an alien and more like a calm and stress free candidate, ready to take your first lesson. Today, we're going to be talking about how to prepare yourself for that very first lesson on the road.

Last Minute Nerves - Talk it Through

Your first time can make you feel very nervous, but there are a few things you can do to help make yourself feel calm. Talk to your driving instructor at the driving school and they can help you to understand what to expect on your first time out. If you know what to expect on your first driving lesson, then that will go some way to helping you to feel a little calmer.

Stay Calm, Sleep Well, Eat a Good Breakfast

On the night before your first lesson, it's important to make sure you get enough sleep, so don't drink beforehand because this will disturb your sleep pattern and make you feel pretty rotten the following day. Make sure you have some breakfast, because you don't want to go out driving on an empty stomach.

Make sure you know when you're being picked up by your instructor, don't turn up late because that won't give you a great start to the day. Comfy shoes are best for when you're driving, painfully high heels and you may find that driving is difficult. If you need glasses then wear them, it's not good to start off squinting through the windscreen because you can't see, and of course do remember your provisional license because your instructor will want to see it on your first lesson.

Discuss Your Lesson and Plan Ahead to Future Lessons

After your driving lesson you'll have an opportunity to discuss with your instructor any important points and to go over what you need to work on, and what you'll be doing in your next lesson. You may have already booked some block lessons and they do offer advantages in terms of discount. It's important to make sure you have lessons on a regular basis so you don't forget what you've learnt. You'll need to learn at your own pace and ask relevant questions as and when needed.

You Know You Can Do It

Once your first lesson is over you'll be wondering what it is you were worrying about. Half the battle is getting through the first one, and the rest of your lessons are going to be a doddle in comparison. 

Compass Pro Drive – The Home of Great Driving

If you're looking for a good driving instructor in Edinburgh then look no further than Compass Pro Drive because we have experienced and knowledgeable driving instructors here to help you through the hurdle of learning to drive a car. We'll do all we can to make you feel comfortable and help you all the way through to your driving test. We are one of the best Edinburgh driving schools out there, so contact us and let's calm those nerves.


Cameron Watt-Currie


Taylor Coyne - Livingston